Day 1 – The Awakening
“Transurfing in 78 Days — A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality” – Vadim Zeland
Wake up here and now! Become aware of yourself and remember: all people dream, and everything around, is nothing but a dream… But this dream has no power over you anymore. You woke up, so you are able to influence the course of the events. The advantage lies in your awareness. Feel the power. It is always with you, if you remember it. Now everything will be, as you want it to be… You are awake!
When you were born into this life, this was a new awakening after many past incarnations, dreams of reality. Since your birth in the world you had always possessed miraculous powers. You were able to hear the rustle of the morning stars, to see the auras, to talk to the animals and birds. for you, the whole world was a wonderful pageant of sparkling energy and you were a magician, you could control it.
But persuaded by the influence of others, you fell asleep again. The other dreamers constantly and intentionally fixed your attention only on the physical aspect of reality. Consequently, you have lost all your magical powers. Don’t you think that your life passes like a dream where it is not you controlling reality, but reality controlling you? It is time to get back your previous strength.
Today, make it a priority to remember to stay awake!!!!