

Reality Transurfing will quickly and easily change the fundamental core of your reality. With the knowledge offered here, your life and perceptions will never appear the same again. Start now and create your own experience of joyful new meaning and opportunity.

Reality Transurfing is a mental practice that allows you to gain control of your current circumstances and start living life in a truly deep and meaningful way. You will not have to change anything about yourself or live in a manner that is not true to who you are. Organize your thoughts, create an environment for maximum efficiency and realize your highest functioning, happiest self. Learn to LET GO, stop fighting the world for what you want and simply reach out, the world is there to meet you and your dreams…

All the world is doing is reflecting back an amalgam of your attitude towards it.

10 ways

Transurfing will Help You


with Your
Power of

Transurfing will reestablish the fact that you have the right of choice. More times than not, we do not take advantage of this right. The only freedom we have is the freedom to choose, as the author states in the first chapter of his first volume. This means, that often times very simple choices, choices that are right in front of you, could take you to another sector of reality, the reality you want to be in. Out of fear, old habits and embedded psychological complexes we do not see or take advantage of this right. Transurfing is an effective tool to help us realize this right and use it. Once you accept this information and learn how to choose, you will be able reach out and take exactly what it is you want. No one is keeping you from choosing exactly what it is you want, except you.


the Energy
Around You

Transurfing will help you to understand exactly how energy around you moves. Energy currents, referred to as life tracks, are swirling around us at every moment. You can tap into different life tracks and instantly connect to a different field of energy that is better suited for you and your desires. Once understood how tapping into these life tracks drastically change your reality you will never again feel ‘stuck’ in anything, with anyone or, most importantly, with yourself.


Kick Bad
Mojo to the

Transurfing will help you release yourself from negative thinking, negative events or negative people. Everyday we encounter negative energy forces that want to take us along for a ride, a ride that does not benefit us whatsoever. Modern culture is a barrage of political fodder, religious noise, materialism and technology that is all pounding at our front door wanting us to let it in. Most have opened the door and let these negative energy forces in and have found themselves tired, angry, depressed and confused. How many people do you know that pay attention to the news all day and are happy? You cannot be happy when you are a puppet, which ultimately you are when under the influence of a pendulum. Where did the happiness you once knew as a child go? That happiness was a life track negative energy forces have moved you away from. That happiness is still there, you just need to learn how to tap back into it. Once you have taken back control, you will instantly notice how negative energy forces make it difficult to maintain control. These negative energy forces are referred to as pendulums. Learn how to defeat these pendulums and return to a place where life is peaceful and enjoyable. Use your energy to further your happiness, not perpetuate the pendulums that have taken you away from happiness. Take back your energy for things that truly matter in your life; do not give away energy for free to pendulums that do not care about you or your happiness. Focus only on things that give you something positive in return. Stop submitting to the will of outside forces and put your will as your top priority.



Transurfing will help you navigate even your most difficult relationships with ease and grace. Do you suffer from insufferable in-laws, have a supervisor or coworkers breathing down your back or worse, are on the brink of divorce? Transurfing will teach you how to give things being asked of you without feeling violated, used or resentful of the person asking. You will learn how to put your Overseer to work or ‘rent yourself out’. You will act as you normally would in any given situation, not as an active participant any longer but as an outside observer. This change will allow you to clearly see the flaws in your interactions with others and stop participating in an energy wasteful manner. People will not only notice the difference right away, but they will start responding to your new energy with a new energy of their own. You will also learn about dependence relationships; why they happen, and how to neutralize them. This is relationship advice 2.0 and works shockingly well. The steps are easy to understand and surprisingly fun. Once you learn that you alone can change a relationship dramatically for the better you realize just how powerful Transurfing is.


How To

Transurfing will teach you how to listen to yourself and trust wholeheartedly in your own intuition: If something doesn’t feel right, if you have to talk yourself into something or ‘sell’ yourself on something, or if you are currently in a situation that you struggle with daily there is a very simple way out. We’ve all seen a fly bang up against a window countless times trying to escape, even with an open door nearby. We as humans do the exact same thing. Just as you think the easiest answer is for the fly to go out of the door, Reality Transurfing will show you how to exit through the door when you are banging your head against a window. Almost always, the best answer for your problems is the easiest and often right in front of you. Transurfing will show you how to open your eyes and see when a door is open and simply walk through it.


Your Mind
& Soul

Transurfing will help you to unite your mind and soul hence realize that unhappiness is a product of the soul and mind not matching up. The most classic example, the wealthy businessman who is miserable. His soul may yearn for a quiet life of gardening, meditation and time spent being one with something other than work and money, but his industrious mind does not let his soul know this. His mind pushes him into a daily grind of focusing on a pendulum that cares nothing for him or his individuality. The pull from this pendulum is so strong he has completely forgotten who he is or worse yet, doesn’t even allow himself to ask that question. Transurfing will teach you how to listen deeply to what your soul wants and to sharpen your mind to the environment around you that is offering opportunities for change. Once mind and soul have started to unify, life will progress and project you in directions that will result in an absolutely balanced and blissful reality. Sounds good doesn’t it?


Learn to
Not Sweat
the Small
(or Big) Stuff

Transurfing will teach you how to drop importance. This is one of the utmost cornerstones of the Transurfing. Importance is a product of placing excessive significance onto something. In addition, internal or personal importance happens when you overestimate your own virtues or shortcomings. We all have been guilty of placing too much importance on our appearance: what type of car we drive, how much money is in the bank, how we are viewed in our social scenes or by family members, finding the right partner, etc. We not only set ourselves up for constant struggle and disappointment when we create excessive importance but, actually end up working against ourselves. Imagine you have to walk across a log that is lying on the ground, easy! Now imagine you have to walk across that same log placed between two skyscrapers, not so easy. Walking across the log without falling is of greater importance to you now and of course will be much more difficult than walking on the log that was laying on the ground. Transurfing will teach you how to walk across that log in the exact same manner in both scenarios. Once you learn to drop importance life becomes easier, simpler and much more enjoyable, period.


Realize Luck
Is Not For
But You

Learn how to ride The Wave of Fortune. This Wave of Fortune is the opposite of a pendulum. Like a pendulum, the wave couldn’t care any less about your fate: however, it will transport you to a place where a cluster of favorable life tracks await. Once you find one of these gold veins and get lucky, you can glide under the inertia onto similar tracks where new fortunate circumstances also await. We all know someone who is considered ‘lucky’. This luck we see another person enjoying isn’t a series of coincidences. Individuals that are considered lucky are simply tuning into these life tracks and continuously riding them out, you can too!


and Prosper!

The fashionable belief pendulums want us to adhere to is that you have to: fight, toil and claw your way to get anywhere substantial in this world, that things do not come easy and you must work hard! There are many problems with this line of thinking; it keeps most of us on edge daily, competing with each other in similar ways for most of the same things. If you have to push and exhaust yourself to get somewhere, then you will not benefit from the energy you would feel if you were working towards your own goal. Pushing yourself towards and achieving the goals of others will end in disappointment and emptiness. Striving for goals not intended for you will not turn out well and can lay groundwork for a midlife crisis.

A term used in Reality Transurfing, soul fraile, is defined as: the individual essence of a person’s soul. In other words, it is your own special path for true self-realization. Imagine the complexities of a snowflake, each one being perfectly unique, this is your soul fraile. Many wonderful things happen when you set goals that directly coordinate with your individual path. When you touch on this path and create pleasurable unique goals: passion, inspiration and true happiness will transpire!

We’ve all met a person who possesses a certain je ne sais quoi or has unexplainable charm. This is the magic that transpires when one is en pointe with the fraile of their soul. Being in harmony, emitting positive mental energy and glowing from the inside out is the beauty that comes from embracing your individuality and pampering your soul fraile. Nurturing this part of yourself will ignite a pathway of opportunity and prosperity that is all your own!


It Will
Your Life...

Transurfing is not self-help, it’s an entirely different way of thinking and viewing the world. Reality as you know it will no longer look humdrum, difficult or unfair. Transurfing is not offering you a “sweet ride back to your childhood” as the author states, but something much better and far more tangible. You will learn that absolutely everything exists in the space of variations and you are just as powerful in taking what you want out of it. Transurfing is an incredibly new, unique approach that will empower you to take back control of your life. But there’s no need to take what I say at face-value– simply try these methods for yourself and see the incredible difference in your reality!