What is the secret of attractive people? They have thrown out of their heads the negative slides and replaced with positive ones. The attractiveness is the unity of soul and mind. An attractive person is in a state of celebration of the soul, enjoys life and loves the self, without a hint of egotism. Such people are few, but you can join them and increase the number.
It is therefore necessary to turn yourself towards your soul, to love yourself and to take the road towards your goal. This will change not only your personal qualities, but you will become physically attractive, your face more symmetrical and your smile more charming.
The secret of attractiveness lies in the unity between soul and mind. When one is pleased with oneself, when he or she loves him or herself, and inner light springs out of that person – he or she lives according to his or her credo. This is the thing that is often lacked by people, that’s why they are so attracted to such a person like moths to light.
On the energy plane attractiveness manifests itself as a pure broadcasting of unity between the soul and mind. As you exercise your power, you develop in your self an unusual ability to influence people and induce sympathy in them. One with excess free energy provokes interest and Goodwill in others. If you still find it hard to love unconditionally, state the following thought form often:… I am filled with power. I have powerful energy and every day it becomes more powerful. I glow with the energy of love and charm. I am a pure energy source. People feel my energy and feel sympathy for me.