When there is not a single shadow of doubt, desire or fear in your mind, just the quiet resolve to have, then the impossible becomes possible. You can pass an exam without knowing the subject, sail through the most grueling of interviews, secure a super-lucrative contract, win a hopeless court case and charm people you never dared dream would be in your league.
Let go of the desire to achieve your goal. Be dispassionate like a Samurai who lives as if his body were already dead. Be reconciled with the idea of defeat but in your thoughts, imagine that the goal is already in the bag. Cast hope aside. Hope is the lot and salvation of the weak. Have nothing but the willingness to receive it.
Desire is when you focus your attention on the goal. Internal intention is when you focus your attention on the process of progressing towards the goal.Outer intention is when you focus your attention on how the goal is manifesting of its own accord.
Inner intention helps you achieve your goals within the physical world; outer intention selects the goal from within the alternatives space. Inner intention is aimed at directly influencing the world around us, whereas outer intention allows the goal to be realized in accordance with the intention. Unconditional, unreserved belief in success is what triggers the workings of outer intention.
Usually, the mind desires and the soul protests or the soul longs for something and the mind won’t bring it into play, as a result of which, the image that stands in front of the world mirror is blurred and indistinct. When the soul and the mind are united in their striving, a clear image is generated which is instantly materialized from the Alternatives Space via the mirror.